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2016 Mary S. Oakley & Lee Lindsay Artist Showcase
Date  November 18, 2016-January 12, 2017

2016 Award Winners

Best of Show-$1,200 to Jennifer Bock-Nelson of Quincy, IL for Return, oil

Second Place-$400 to Steve Ryan of Quincy, IL for Brothers Keeper, stoneware

Third Place-$300 to Ann Miller Titus of Quincy, IL for Her Seams Were Always Straight, fiber

Merit Award-$100 to Jeffery Bruce of Quincy, IL for It Happened Slowly, mixed media

Merit Award-$100 to Kevin Warning of Quincy, IL for Aurora Borealis Caves, acrylic

Merit Award-$100 to Bruce Morton of Bowen, IL for Forgottonia- The Audience #495, photography

Merit Award-$100 to John Nelson of Quincy, IL for Sleep, acrylic

Honorable Mention -$50 Carol Burns of Palmyra, MO for Hidden Habitat, handmade paper

Honorable Mention -$50 to Jessica Martin of Canton, MO for You Ruin Me, photography

Honorable Mention -$50 to K. Nadine Mitchell of Quincy, IL for Summer Table, oil

Honorable Mention -$50 to Joe Conover of Quincy, IL for Feeling Square, encaustic